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Our Guarantee

Authentic & Genuine Products

We guarantee that all of our products are 100% authentic quality goods and are sourced directly from the manufacturers or approved manufacturer agents. We are able to provide full proof that the products on our website are indeed authentic and genuine and are sourced directly. The brands that we sell usually list our name on their ‘where to buy’ pages on their own websites. We encourage any customer who has doubts about the authenticity of products on the Internet from any website, to send an e-mail directly to the manufacturer of the products for verification. We have 'the real deal'. It’s an unfortunate fact that there are other stores and websites who are not selling authentic product – and sometimes they don’t even realise it themselves because they are not purchasing their products directly from the manufacturers. Be safe on the Internet and only shop with reputable retailers like Wear It Out and other Floor Five group stores – trust your instincts and ask questions. If you would like more information on our products and brands or if you have legitimacy concerns, please contact us via the contact page.