Motivation is a funny thing. It’s that little voice in your head that forces you to get out of bed on a freezing morning, squeeze out a couple of extra reps at the gym, or to lift heavier than you’ve ever tried. For some reason, the voice in my head sometimes accuses me of being a ‘pussy’ and sounds a bit like Harvey Fierstein after gargling broken glass and razor blades. Everyone’s motivation goes through peaks and troughs at various times. And although a half-arsed training session is better than none at all, if you can walk through the gym door in the right mindset, you usually achieve a whole lot more in a shorter time. Here are our top five motivational tips to keep your gym game on point. 1. Results Success breeds success. As soon as you notice that your hard work is making even a little bit of difference, you want more. But this only works if you: (a) have set yourself a goal, and (b) are constantly tracking your progress. Lots of guys I know don’t have a specific, measurable training goal in mind, or a gym program that works towards achieving that goal. Even some personal trainers don’t take the time to figure out what their clients actually want to achieve, and don’t bother tracking progress. So set yourself a quantifiable goal relating to strength, weight or body composition, find a way to measure it, and reap the rewards. 2. Variety Mix it up! Some guys go years without changing their workout routine, performing the same chest/legs/back/arms split over and over again without variation. Or they make it up as they go. No wonder boredom sets in and motivation flags. Most trainers will tell you that if you’re no longer seeing results, something has to change - whether it’s exercises, number of sets/repetitions, or rest intervals. Keep a workout log on your phone and take it with you to the gym. That way, you’ll know what elements of your workout have outstayed their welcome. 3. Train with someone  There’s no doubt that having someone to push you makes a difference. Although it can sometimes be tricky to find a personal trainer that’s on the same page, and sessions aren’t cheap, it’s an investment definitely worth making if you can afford it. A good trainer will keep you accountable, help you with diet, measure your progress and provide encouragement. Even if you’re the type that likes to train alone, checking in with a trainer once a week – or even once a month – can keep you on the right track. Alternatively, a gym buddy can alleviate boredom and even fire up your competitive side. 4. Ego Most people might not like to admit it, but the desire to look good (or the fear of getting a dadbod) is a powerful motivator. And as far as reasons for exercising go, it’s probably one of the most superficial. But events like reunions, weddings, holidays, music festivals, or major birthdays at least give you a hard deadline to work to, and generally involve some level of public scrutiny: you know people will be looking at you. Even if you’re not interested in getting ‘shredded for stereo’, pick an upcoming milestone in your calendar, circle it, and start working. 5. Music Don’t rely on your gym’s music to keep you amped up during a workout: you’re likely to end up trying to deadlift to the dulcet tones of Sam Smith. Instead, load up your iDevice with tracks guaranteed to fire you up when you really need it. Biologic Labs in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley pumps out heavy metal during their training sessions, and though I wouldn’t normally choose to listen to it in my spare time, it works a treat. Or why not try a music streaming app, and use your workout time to discover your new favourite artist? What keeps you going? Let us know.